Lately I have been reading a lot of other blogs. I search for encouragement and recipes, Christmas ideas and inspiration. I sit there wishing that some day my blog could look like that. A place where women come for all the reasons I listed and more. I find myself doubting. Doubting that I would ever have anything people would want to read. Doubting that my ideas are good or that I could inspire anyone. I sit there and I compare myself to these women who sound so eloquent or hilarious. I dream of the day my book would be open on the kitchen table to encourage the woman reading it. I pray for when it's my turn.
But that's it. That's where it ends. I search, I wish, I doubt, I compare, I dream. I'm too scared to do. There is no action. You see, I don't have to put myself out there to read. I do have to put myself out there to write. In the midst of comparing myself to these other women, I lost sight of the things that God wants to do through me. I forget to be present where I'm at. I forget that I have my own things to offer. I have my heart to offer and no one else can do that the way that I can. I desire to live in the purpose that God has for me. Even if most days I may not know what that looks like. I just know that it is obeying Him in every activity that I do. It is inviting Him into my moments. It is listening to His voice instead of the lies of the enemy. It doesn't matter if I inspire one person or one hundred. What matters is that I am living in purpose. I trust God to use me wherever He desires. I trust God to do whatever He has planned with this blog, but mostly with my life. It's time for me to start doing.
"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands." Psalm 138:8
May you live in the promise He has a purpose to fulfill in your life and that he will never abandon His work.